Lauren Davies, Counseling and Psychotherapy
counseling in Bellingham

Psychotherapy Practice

I specialize in the treatment of all levels of depression and trauma, from mild to pronounced. I use traditional psychotherapy methods which focus on psychological wholeness.

This is a gentle but courageous process: in a very general sense, work is done in the areas of thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Behavior change is the foundation of the mental/emotional recovery process, emotional expression makes the return to mental health possible, and thought-life is the index and instrument of hope. It is my belief that every mental/emotional concern has the potential to be completely healed and resolved, regardless of its severity.

Each person's process is, of course, different, and I respect the individual needs of each client and the pace at which their work proceeds. Each client has control over the frequency and duration of sessions, and the duration of treatment. I respect client confidentiality within the confines of Washington state law.

I emphasize empowerment of the individual: it is important for those who receive mental health services, including the services of private therapists and physicians, to receive accurate information regarding all available treatment options and the level of success which can be expected from each option. It is also important to foster the belief in each individual that he or she has much knowledge and insight into his or her own concerns.

I encourage each client to pursue the highest level of recovery that he or she can achieve. The goal of this work is to be comfortable in the world, to be fully alive, to be at least reasonably financially secure, physically healthy, and close to the people we care about.

Counseling and Psychotherapy for:

  • those who are experiencing depression or isolation
  • those who are experiencing abandonment, loss, or the after-effects of trauma
  • those who are experiencing or have experienced physical, verbal, or sexual assault
  • those who are experiencing after-effects of having participated in a military conflict
  • those who have difficulty with compulsive behaviors or eating disorders
  • those who have body image concerns
  • those who were abused as children
  • those who are experiencing problems in their families or relationships
  • those who have, or suspect they have, problems related to alcohol, drug, or relationship addiction
  • those with physical problems or illnesses which are related to mental/emotional concerns
  • those whose ability to work and have a fulfilling work or career life has been affected by mental/emotional concerns
  • those who have been diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or ADD/ADHD
  • those who wish to completely recover from their mental/emotional problems, no matter how pronounced the problems may be
  • those who do not want to include psychiatric medication in their mental/emotional recovery process, and those who do
  • those with limited financial resources.

psychotherapy practice Bellingham
Lauren Davies psychotherapy practice Bellingham
  203 West Holly Street, #329
  Bellingham, WA 98225
  (360) 647-7905
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© 2019 Lauren M. Davies. All rights reserved.
+ Painting: "Basket of Flowers," watercolor on silk. Maruyama Okyo.